Chronic Cold Treatment
Tired of battling chronic colds? Discover lasting relief at Madhukant Ayurved & Homeopathic Clinic in Kudasan! Our integrated approach combines the healing power of Ayurveda and the gentle effectiveness of Homeopathy to address chronic colds at their root.
A cold is caused by a virus that inflames the membranes lining the nose and throat.
An NCBI article titled ‘The common cold’ defines the common cold, also known as upper respiratory tract infection (URI), as a self-limiting upper airway viral infection that may also affect the lower respiratory tract.
Over 200 viruses are said to cause a minor nose, and a throat infection called a cold. Rhinovirus is said to be the most common cause of the common cold, accounting for 10 to 40% of all cases.
A cold usually lasts up to a week. It may last longer for people with a weak immune system or poor health, such as children and the elderly.